2019 Cowgirl Yoga Holiday Gift List
Are you ready for some fun? Forget those “best blah-blah-blah” gift lists — all of them. BORING!
Instead, you only need our top 3 picks for yoga gifts, horse gifts, AND yoga + horse gifts! Even better, all of these organizations support our nonprofit Cowgirls vs. Cancer. Best of all, these great gifts come in under $100 (with the exception of one LUXE option). #makingholidayshoppingfunagain
Top 3 Yoga Gifts
JADE Yoga Harmony mat ($79.95) // Because honestly, what else do you need for yoga? This is the most fantastic mat out there, it’s also “the most eco-friendly” mat you can buy. We’ve been working with JADE for years, ever since I cold-called them with this picture of me and my daughter that later became an ad. JADE is also one of our biggest Cowgirls vs. Cancer supporters. We only use their mats on our retreats; we even send you a travel mat to pack with your passport when you sign up for an international retreat.
So share the JADE Yoga love this holiday season. And pssssttt…look for me in their 2020 calendar.
Yoga Hustle mat towel ($38) // It’s not only gorgeous — it’s functional and not slippy. It looks good and stays in place after even the sweatiest of hot yoga sessions. I love the colors and geometric designs. Thanks, Yoga Hustle, for keeping it elegantly simple in a world of psychedelic yoga mat towels.
Make Your own Mala Kit ($25) // Created by our own Caitlin K., this gift is one of my favorites. She teaches mala making on many of our retreats, and malas make unique and meaningful souvenirs. Infuse your mala with intention this holiday season, then keep it for yourself or give it to someone you love.
In this DIY mala kit, you’ll get step-by-step instructions to string your own 108 bead mala necklace. Included in the kit are dark wood beads, semi precious accent stones, and all other materials you need. Also included are directions for stringing, using and cleansing your mala, as well as suggestions for mantras. Kits come with 5 options for the accent stones: Rose Quartz, Sodalite, Amethyst, Black Onyx or Jasper. Email us to order, and we’ll ship right away! (Order by December 20 for pre-Christmas delivery.)
Top 3 Horse Gifts
Ariat Trigger Intartia Sweater ($89.95) // Over-the-top cute n’ comfy, this equestrian sweater is a must this holiday season. (Java not included.)
Cavali Club Subscription ($54.95/quarter) // I’ve already sent quite a few of the “equestrian lifestyle box” as gifts. Plenty of stuff for your fave horse, and plenty of horse stuff for you. Order one box at a time, or subscribe to get one every season. Super high quality – or as we like to say, luxe. Watch for a Cowgirl Yoga/Cavali Club partnership in 2020!
Stick & Ball horse tee ($54) & cotton scarf ($65) // Both are super soft and cozy, both dress-up and dress-down well. There’s something wonderful about wearing a big ol’ horse head. And the Turkish cotton scarf can truly be used as a “scarf by the polo field, a wrap or towel by the pool or even a picnic blanket” – but they did forget horse blanket, as showcased by Java (in fuchsia!) on our Cowgirls vs. Cancer retreat this year.
Top 3 Yoga + Horse Gifts
Custom Cowgirl Yoga C4 Belt ($35 + shipping) // Pink with yoga poses and horses, how can you say no? C4 donates one to each of our cancer kicking cowgirls. Email us to order, and we’ll ship right away. (Order by December 20 for pre-Christmas delivery.) Visit the C4 website or check out the C4 belt review from BSYR Ranch Hand Nicole.
Handmade Horseshoe OM ($45 + shipping) // Another Cowgirl Yoga exclusive, this handmade horseshoe OM adds some Yeehaw & Namaste to any barn or yoga space. Email us to order, and we’ll ship right away! (Order by December 20 for pre-Christmas delivery.)
Big Sky Yoga Retreat Gift Certificate // And the ultimate Yoga + Horses gift? It’s a 2020 LUXE Cowgirl Yoga retreat, of course! Gift certificates available, but permission granted to get it for yourself, too. Pair it with one of the other fun gifts from this list! Email us for a gift certificate.
Wishing you a Yeehaw & Namaste holiday!