The Best Yogic Recipes for March 2019
While the weather can be unpredictable in the transitional period between winter and spring, in general, it tends to be wet. March is an especially “watery” month, when snow melts and rivers and streams start to flow again. Its wetness and flowing quality can leave us susceptible to kapha disorders like congestion and sinus trouble—you’ve probably noticed lots of people coming down with colds. According to ayurveda, we can balance March’s kapha nature by eating lots of greens, fresh herbs, broccoli and cauliflower, and pungent spices like chili, cayenne, and ginger.
So with ayurveda in mind, we’ve rounded up 7 great seasonal vegan and vegetarian recipes that will nourish you and help you combat colds and congestion all at the same time. Enjoy!
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If you try any of these recipes we’d love to hear how you liked them! Keep an eye out for more vegetarian and vegan ayurveda-balancing recipes next month.
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