How to Wake Up Smiling: 5 Daily Habits That Made Me a More Positive Person

"You create your future based on your energy in the present." ~Unknown
I'm usually a pretty happy person, but well-nigh a year ago-perhaps due to a lack of social connections and laughter-I experienced a few visionless months. During those months, I spent most of my waking hours (and probably nights as well) consumed with negative thoughts.
I woke up feeling wrestling in the morning, unfurled having negative thoughts most of the day, and went to bed in that same state of mind.
Luckily, I didn't have many opportunities to spread my negativity to others considering we were in confinement.
On one of those moody mornings, I played a video of a spiritual teacher that a friend had recommended listening to while getting ready for the day.
Halfway through the video, he said, "Humanity is ascending into increasingly loving and conscious states of being. You are rhadamanthine increasingly of who you truly are, which is love."
At that moment, I unprotected my vision in the mirror and stared at my unhappy face.
"I'm not ascending. I'm descending remoter and remoter into the 'hell' in my own mind."
My negativity was eating me alive, but, strangely, it was so addictive.
Since it had been escalating for some time (a few months by then) and had uninventive a good bit of momentum, I really didn't know if I'd be worldly-wise to shift all that negativity into a increasingly positive state of being. I knew that the longer I waited, though, the harder it would be.
Still looking at my squatter in the mirror, I noticed the corners of my mouth pointing slightly downward.
"If I protract like that, I'm going to get grumpy squatter wrinkles."
I made my bed and then went to the kitchen. As the coffee was brewing, I grabbed my palmtop and Googled "how to be a increasingly positive person," and I scribbled lanugo a few ideas that resonated with me.
Later that day, without mixing and matching translating from variegated articles, I created what I tabbed my "emotional hygiene routine."
It's a series of simple habits that I single-minded to doing most days of the week for an unshortened month (and still protract to do today on most days) and that, over that month, took me out of my depressive state and made me wake up smiling in the morning again.
I'd like to share them with you.
1. Fall unconsciousness in the "vortex."
One idea I came wideness in my research on stuff increasingly positive came from Abraham Hicks:
“If you go to sleep in the vortex, you wake up in the vortex. If you go to sleep not in the vortex, you wake up not in the vortex.”
Being in the "vortex" refers to a state of pure positive energy. The idea in that quote is pretty straightforward: go to bed thinking positive thoughts and feeling happy feelings, and you're increasingly likely to wake up thinking and feeling positive in the morning.
I knew this had to be true. I knew it considering when I went to bed thinking wrestling thoughts, I usually dreamed that I was unhappy and then woke up grumpy (and exhausted) in the morning.
So, I decided to try something. As I sealed my vision to sleep at night, I scanned the day from the moment I woke up until the present moment when I was lying in bed, and I tried to recall all the positive things (even tiny things) that had happened that day.
I could have thought well-nigh the succulent mocha latte that I drank that morning, the fact there wasn't snow on the ground and that I was worldly-wise to run outside in the afternoon, or a nice scuttlebutt someone left on one of my videos.
I spent a few seconds remembering a happy moment surpassing moving on to the next one. Without scanning the unshortened day, I would do it again, trying to find plane increasingly subtle positive things, and I did this until I fell asleep.
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This exercise is probably the number one thing that helped me (and still continues to help me) wake up happier in the morning.
2. Have something to squint forward to on the pursuit day.
Something else that has helped me wake up happier is having something to squint forward to every day, plane if I have a rented day superiority and have minimal self-ruling time available.
Still to this day, every evening, I schedule at least one worriedness that brings me joy for the pursuit day. It can be going for a walk with a friend, sultry cookies, or watching the sunset. It can moreover be as simple as wearing my favorite outfit.
Scheduling one worriedness that brings me joy for the pursuit day gives my mind something fun to visualize and puts me in a good mood in the evening.
And again, how the day ends is a good indicator of how the pursuit day begins.
3. Absorb uplifting ideas in the evening.
We all know that what we feed our minds affects our mood. I don't have a TV and don't follow the news, but my Facebook feed is often unbearable to get me irritated. So, I decided to stop scrolling mindlessly on Facebook (or at least do so less often) and slosh positive-only content instead.
For the past few months, first thing in the morning and surpassing going to bed, I've been reading a few pages of an inspiring book-usually something spiritual. I just finished reading the unshortened Earth Life typesetting series by Sanaya Roman, and right now, I'm reading Wishes Fulfilled by Wayne Dyer.
Reading those kinds of books brings me peace. I can notice a significant difference in my mood and stress level if I just take plane fifteen minutes to slosh uplifting content in the morning and evening.
(If you have any typesetting recommendations, you can share them in the comments.)
4. Make a gratitude list-with a twist.
After reading in the morning, I write lanugo three to five things I'm grateful for-and why I fathom each thing.
I used to write gratitude lists of fifteen-plus items and do it very quickly-almost mindlessly-just to "get it done." It made the practice sort of mechanical and not very effective.
I've found that writing fewer items on my list and taking the time to swoop into the reasons each thing makes me happy intensifies the feelings of gratitude and makes the exercise increasingly profound. I try to do this daily, although I do forget sometimes. When I forget several days in a row, I can finger the difference in my unstipulated mood.
Gratitude is perhaps the lowest-hanging fruit for cultivating a increasingly positive attitude.
5. Segregate your state of stuff as you unshut your eyes.
The last thing that has helped me is a piece of translating from smart-ass scientist Daniel Amen. In an interview on The School of Greatness Podcast, he talked well-nigh the importance of setting a positive intention from the very start of the day to cultivate what he calls "a positivity bias."
An stressing he uses himself and recommends using is: "Today is going to be a unconfined day."
When we tell ourselves this in the morning, our unconscious mind then looks for things that are going right to prove that this is true. This isn't toxic positivity-ignoring or denying the negative. It's training our brains to see what's positive instead of focusing on the negative by default.
I've taken the habit of saying this stressing (or a similar one) just without waking up and surpassing opening my vision in the morning. It's a bit like choosing and declaring from the very start of the day what vein you'll prefer that day. It's easy to do, and it sets the tone for the day.
In the beginning, I didn't unchangingly remember to declare my intention until later in the morning, but it didn't take long surpassing it became automatic. Now, just remembering to think well-nigh my intention (and then mentally saying it) makes me smile as I wake up.
. . .
Our lives don't need to be perfect to wake up smiling in the morning; they just require a conscious effort to develop a positive attitude, which is what the five habits in this vendible have helped me accomplish.
I hope they serve you well, too, if you segregate to implement them.
About Emilie Pelletier
Emilie is a certified purpose and life coach, meditation instructor, and spiritual entrepreneur. She helps free-spirited minds to sieve their soul's purpose, find their calling, and transform their work into play. You can get her self-ruling guide, "The Life Purpose Formula: The Easiest Way to Uncover Your Purpose and Calling," or connect with her through her website
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The post How to Wake Up Smiling: 5 Daily Habits That Made Me a Increasingly Positive Person appeared first on Tiny Buddha.