Before I met my life coach and current roommate Dayana Mendoza—just days before quarantine hit here in the Bay Area—I was overwhelmed with the frenzy of life and work. A spiritual teacher with a background in plant medicine wisdom, indigenous Columbian spirituality, and meditation, Dayana has invited me to begin each morning in mindful movement, meditation and grounding exercises to promote balance, calm, and creativity throughout my day.
See also How to Meditate Even If You Struggle to Sit Still
The therapeutic blends in DERMA E’s skin-softening mists offer three on-the-go refreshers for your healthy skincare routine. With beneficial ingredients like purified spring waters, witch hazel, coconut and rose waters to comfort and hydrate skin. Cool your skin with herbal waters and adaptogens Amla and Gotu Kola in CALM. Revitalize your skin with the aromatics waters and adaptogens Cordyceps and Cardamom in CREATE. Nourish your skin with citrus waters and adaptogens Eluethero and Artic Root in UPLIFT.
For more information and to order go to DERMA E.
" data-full-src="" data-image-id="ci026f66e3400024c2" data-image-slug="sponsor image 4_mood mists" data-public-id="MTc1NDcyMDMzNDg2ODczNzk0" data-srcset=" 320w, 700w, 960w, 1400w" data-sizes="(min-width: 675px) 700px, 100vw" data-thumbnail="" data-title="From our Live Be Yoga Partner">If you would like to tap in with Dayana, watch this meditation video for a quick morning practice to uplift your day and inspire creativity while calming the nervous system.
This year, Yoga Journal's annual ambassador road trip—the Live Be Yoga Tour—is going virtual. We are calling it The Decompression. Recently, we’ve all been asked to journey inward, to take moments of pause and stillness, and to slow down, rest, and prioritize the things we value. Follow the Live Be Yoga 2020 series here, stay connected with us at @livebeyoga on social, and join the movement to find beauty in stillness.