If you're dealing with recurring wrist pain, you're probably no stranger to a frustrating on-again, off-again relationship with your Planks and Downward-Facing Dogs. Sure, you may back off weight-bearing poses until your wrists feel good... yet once your hands press into the mat for a period of time, they're achy again.
As long as your doctor or physical therapist has cleared you to practice, you may want to try another approach. Here, yoga and movement educator Laurel Beversdorf explains a common cause of wrist pain, along with a simple (yet challenging!) resistance band move to help.
Watch also Release Tight Hips with This Resistance Band Move
Want to explore modern movement science and get stronger? Join Laurel for her six-week online program, Resistance Bands 101. You'll discover how bands can help your body adapt toward resilience, flexibility, and precision. Sign up today!